DRA Major Recommendations
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In addition to recommending only a 10% San Jose Water Company rate increase over three years to achieve the same results, the Division of Ratepayer Advocates also issued seven Major Recommendations. You may review the entire DRA report by clicking here, but you may review just their Major Recommendations below.
Division of Ratepayer Advocates’ Major Recommendations
1. SJWC’s proposed $297 million construction budget for the period 2012-2014 should be reduced by $75 million.
2. SJWC estimates of total revenues under present rates should be increased by $29 million to accurately capture authorized tariffs, correct formula errors, and reflect a more moderate approach to conservation spending.
3. SJWC’s requested 2013 Operating Expense Budget of $125 million should be trimmed by $10 million to reflect a more reasonable forecast of the expenses actually necessary for SJWC to provide safe and reliable water service to customers.
4. SJWC’s requested 2013 Administrative & General Expense Budget of $28 million in 2013 should be reduced by $6 million to prevent unnecessary growth in staff, salaries and benefits.
5. SJWC’s estimate of $10 million in working capital should be reduced by $6 million to correct calculation errors and questionable assumptions.
6. SJWC’s request to fully decouple sales from revenue so that forecasted revenue from water rates is guaranteed regardless of whether the water is actually sold should be denied.
7. SJWC’s requests for the extraordinary protection provided by tracking expenses in three new memorandum accounts for possible retroactive recovery should be denied.